Версия игры: v7.0.102(Патч 1.8) VAC3: Undetected(на момент релиза) Функции чита: Aimbot Hitbox Based Advanced chopper&Gunner aimbot, RC-XD aimbot etc. Prediction - Auto / Self select Aimkeys Only aim at zoom Aimbot friends ( disable aimbot on selected clients ) Autowall ( only works on nuketown ) Aimshoot Autoknife Auto zoom Target Infos Aimbot vectors customize Aimbot vecs X, Y and Z Change hitbox mode ( not for newbies ) Hitbox correction aim spread correction Volume speed Visuals Draw crosshair and self select the colours Info bar Killstats Radar View radar ( direction ) Draw warnings ( enemy is aiming at you etc. ) ESP Name Tags 3D bounding Box Draw Head 3D boxes Bone axis Flower esp Draw Missiles Draw rank on name tags Draw Pick ups ( ammo, weapons etc ) Misc Change Weapon Recoil with value e.g 0 would be norecoil Установка: 1. Запустить cod7hax.exe 2. Выбрать процесс игры и фаил code7BlackOps.hax 3. Нажать Inject, зайти на сервер и нажать F9 для меню. 4. Для сохранения настроек нажмите F5. |